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  • Debbie Gaetz, Bella Cart

Rosie's Roadshow Card Class

What a grand start to the day! Taking a card class from Linda Presley, owner and creator of Rosie's Roadshow stamps, can make any day an even better one when you look at the wonderful whimsey in her designs and humorous sentiments. It all started yesterday morning at Art 'n Soul.

A plate was drawn at the base of the cake slice with a .05 Micron pen in black. Thanks, Kerri Sue McTarsney!

I had to add a scatter rug in front of the chair because I inadvertently had smudged some black ink on the bottom part of the card.

My hand-drawn wine cork on the right ended up being a little big!

Because the fish are in water inside the mason jar and vodka bottle, I added Glossy Accents for a more 'watery' look.

Ranger's Stickles in the new color, Glisten, to the frosting part of the cake; as well as metal orange dots to the end of each birthday candle.

Linda gave an example of how to "dress" the bear which I thought added just the right touch.

In keeping with the humor of the day, I want to share this cheery card from Linda Lucas who features the Tim Holtz Crazy Bird stamp. Everything she used is perfect for the card to give it added dimension.

I saw a post on Facebook by my friend, Ava Hansen. It's a piece of art that she composed a year ago that I've never seen, and I wanted to share it with you.

"Flight and Feathers" in land gesso on distressed Vintage Ledger paper. 11" x 8 1/2".

This is an amazing card by Pam Simpson from the PoppyStamps' blog. By using the die cut a little differently, Pam was able to make some floral petals that really make this card stand out.

You may click on this link to go to Pam's blog for the specifics:

Thanks for your visit today. One of these days I'll figure out how to add a "comment" section here. It's all a learning process, isn't it? What fun.

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